I am a third year mathematics PhD student at UC Berkeley, advised by Constantin Teleman. I'm interested in physical mathematics, especially its intersections with geometry and topology.
I like geometry in whatever form it may take. Right now I'm primarily a symplectic geometer. I'm currently studying symplectic ball packing through the lens of quantum mechanics. Here are some words which I think about a lot:
- Symplectic ball-packing in dimensions >4
- Spin c quantization
- Uncertainty principles
- Semiclassical analysis
- Symplectic style representation theory
- Topological/Supersymmetric quantum field theories
- Mirror symmetry (2D and 3D)
- Integrable systems
- Moduli spaces
- Toric geometry
- Symplectic style representation theory
- Classical differential geometry (curves and surfaces)
My previous research applied Higgs bundles to condensed matter physics. You can read about it here. To see other things I've thought about, check out my past talks.
I think about math very visually (hence the geometry). I try to capture mathematical objects and the feelings they illicit using digital art, which you can check out in the gallery. I also enjoy creative coding, which often has a mathematical component. See some examples in code. My favorite example is my explorations of hyperbolic string art