Code Sketches
Hyperbolic string art
I close my eyes, but all I see are strings. Stretch a line across a circle according to simple mathematical rules, and you get elegant patterns often dubbed “string art”. For example, connect each angle $\theta$ to the angle $2 \theta$, and the heart-shaped cardiod emerges. This talk chronicles my fourier into hyperbolic string art, a recontextualization of string art imagining the circle as the boundary of the hyperbolic plane, and the straight lines as hyperbolic geodesics. The patterns arising from natural hyperbolic transforms reveal the symmetries and geometry of hyperbolic space. With hyperbolic string art, we navigate the hyperbolic plane watching only the horizon, and visualize the moduli space of closed hyperbolic surfaces.
Presented at:
- UC Berkerly many cheerful facts, Fall 2023
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Toric geometry and harmonic oscillators
In Spring 2022, my final project for symplectic geometry class was a blog post on toric geometry, which incorperated processing sketches with math exposition. This, of course, blew way out of proportion. This is what I’ve started. First, I give a quick explination of symplectic geometry motivated by classical mechanics. Second, a description of toric manifolds through the lens of harmonic oscilators. In particular, I explain the Dual axis illusion as a consequence of toric geometry.
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Dynamics of random maps
An illustration of dynamics of a random map from the plane to itself. It plots the trajectories of a few random points, showing where and how they accumulate. The map is periodically modulating perlin noise. As the map changes, you can see all sorts of bifurcations and dynamic effects. Here are some more examples, and a little more context
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Just some fun little blobs, from when I first started to mess around with creative coding. I suggest looking thru the presets, some are pretty fun.
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(almost) Kam tori
A failed attempt to find KAM tori, that still yeilded a neat result. Click the title for a brief description of what I was looking for (KAM tori), and what I got.