Kempf-Ness theorem and quantization



In symplectic geometry, groups act twice. When we take a symplectic reduction, first we demand the moment map equals zero, then we divide by the group. Instead we can form the symplectic reduction as the quotient by the complexified group. This is formalized by the Kempf-Ness theorem: Symplectic quotients equals GIT quotients.

Geometric quantization turns a symplectic manifold into a hilbert space. If we quantize a manifold with a G-action, quantization gives us a representation of G. This plays nice with symplectic reduction, as formalized in the Guilleman-Sternberg conjecture: The quantization of the reduced space is the G-invariants of the quantization.

These two mottos are the same idea in disguise.

Presented at:

  • Student symplectic seminar

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I learned most of this talk from the lecture notes Moment Maps and Geometric Invariant Theory by Chris Woodward. He takes a GIT first approach, and talks about quantization commutes with reduction comparatively briefly. For the proof of quantization commutes with reduction, I followed:

Finally, I found Richard Thomas’s Notes on GIT and symplectic reduction for bundles and varieties useful. This is where I got the thumbnail picture.