The Dark Magic of Integrable Systems
The Dark Magic of Integrable Systems
The nefarious physicsts, always a cult of symmetry, have gone too far this time. By constructing a theory with not 1, but 2 supersymmetric partners, they evoked the dark magic of integrable systems. Now they must clean up their mess. They leave gauge theory grove for Loui-ville, a humdrum town caught in the eternal cycles around the tori in an integrable system. Next they brave the soliton swamps, coming face to face with the Toad-a lattices and their waves of hopping toads. They escape the swamp through the spectral cemetary, where the spirits of long-passed integrable systems are chained to forever cover their riemann surfaces. At last, they come upon the Seiberg-Witten summit, a fortress of spectral curves built by the supersymmetric theory they brought into the world.